Haydarov Jamshid Temurovich
Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the free economic zone "Urgut"
Tel: +99898 115-85-81 / +99866 483-11-08
Email: office@ufez.uz
Registration of participants of FEZ "Urgut" in accordance with the decisions of the Administrative Council and maintaining their register, issuing relevant certificates
Keeping records on the territory of the FEZ "Urgut" of other economic entities that are not participants in the FEZ "Urgut"
The Directorate is subordinate to the Founder and the Republican Council, which coordinates the activities of free economic zones and small industrial zones
UFEZ - Directorate of the free economic zone Urgut, Urgut - a state unitary enterprise created on the basis of state property transferred to it for operational management. Exercises the right of possession, use and disposal in accordance with the instructions of the state body (founder) assigned to him. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the founder of the Directorate (hereinafter referred to as the Founder).
The Department is responsible for compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, laws and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Department is a legal entity, separate property, independent balance sheet, bank account numbers, including numbers of foreign currency accounts, emblems, stamps and letterheads, a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a stamp in the state. language.
The Directorate may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, assume obligations, act as a plaintiff and defendant in court, and also represent other bodies in resolving disputes in the manner prescribed by law.
With the consent of the Founder, the Directorate can be a participant (shareholder, member) in commercial organizations, as well as in non-profit organizations that allow the participation of legal entities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Eslatib o‘tamiz, Direktsiya boshqa davlat korxonasining ta’sischisi bo‘lishi mumkin emas.
Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the free economic zone "Urgut"
Tel: +99898 115-85-81 / +99866 483-11-08
Email: office@ufez.uz
Deputy Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the free economic zone "Urgut"
Tel: +99898 573-77-64 / +99866 483-11-08
Email: office@ufez.uz
Lawyer of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the free economic zone "Urgut"
Tel: +99897 408-78-74 / +99866 483-11-07
Email: info@ufez.uz
Chief specialist of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the free economic zone "Urgut"
Tel: +99897 408-78-72 / +99866 483-11-07
Email: office@ufez.uz
Chief Accountant State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the free economic zone "Urgut"
Tel: +99897 408-78-76 / +99866 483-11-07
Email: office@ufez.uz
Head of the Infrastructure Development Department of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the FEZ "Urgut"
Tel: +99897 408-78-75 / +99866 483-11-07
Email: info@ufez.uz
Head of the Investor Attraction Department of the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of the FEZ "Urgut"
Tel: +99897 408-75-78 / +99866 483-11-07
Email: office@ufez.uz
Specialist of the 1st category State Unitary Enterprise FEZ Directorate
Tel: +99897 408-75-73 / +99866 483-11-07
Email: office@ufez.uz